What is the best way to honor our pioneers?

April 5, 2016

Of course lah by forgetting them!…. if we keep looking at the rear mirror all the time, then it’s very likely that we will drive over a cliff or bang into something ahead of us.

Smart people always empty their bin in their heads, above all they keep things in the right scale and perspective.


‘Sometimes I wished I had that nifty device that I once saw in that movie, men in black – it’s like a pen with a flash that once you’re zapped with….you forget everything! It’s like a pressing the Ctrl, Alt and delete keys in your head.

That I believe is what most people need to consider signing up for instead of what’s currently served up fast and furious by the nation destroying press and some politician who only seem intent on prying brains so that more propaganda can be pumped in.

After all, if people genuinely want to be independent, empowered and confident – they should UNLEARN and if possible even be FORGETFUL.

That at least is how I see the whole idea of mentorship – I mean if all that a person can do is keep repeating like a 5 cent parrot what this guy once said or what he would have done under X or Y circumstances – then where is the sense of personal ownership?

I think that’s the clearest demonstration of an abject failure to pass on something meaningful to others i.e the ability to think and act independently. After all, if the seed was planted well, then it would never be, he said this or would have done that! Rather it would be ‘I’ or ‘we’ will do this and that – the difference is subtle, but it makes a world of difference. The former is blind dependence and rote learning, the latter is internalizing the ethos and approach of others till it becomes yours to call your very own.

If we don’t empower people and give them confidence in themselves instead of relying on some man made effigy of God, then there is a real danger, society will never be able to reinvent itself under it’s own terms to the many new challenges of our age and we are likely to go round and round like a donkey turning on a millet wheel…..and that I feel is the problem right now…too many donkeys going round and round mindlessly…..Dowan lah!’

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