The Wisdom of Silence

January 16, 2023

I have observed. The vast majority of humans have been schooled to be wary and even fearful of silence…. to many silence is mysterious. So it should not surprise that it has the power to disturb. It is even conceivable, we have normalise the idea of being suspicious of silent people by assuming it’s some kind of character defect. What makes this redefinition possible is noise and chatter has become such an embeded feature of life. We literally exist in a cacophony of perpetual noise and chatter. A world where its not unusual for our daily routines to be inundated with the distractions generated by a torrent of noise. Hence only thru the act of reclaiming silence can we rediscover the wisdom to enable one to remain grounded, focused, and most importantly restore much needed control and composure to our restless minds.

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